In a Montessori school, the teacher fulfills a very different role than he or she would in a conventional public school. In a typical public school classroom, the teacher stands at the front of the room and teaches the same material to all the students at the same pace. In a Montessori school, the teacher is much more of a guide and a mentor than an instructor. This is because this type of private education supports a student’s natural capacity for self-directed and self-paced learning.
Present Lessons
One of the responsibilities of teachers at Montessori schools is to present lessons, usually to one or two children at a time. These lessons make use of Montessori learning materials, which allow students to handle physical representations of concepts. Once the lesson is presented, the student is free to work on the learning activity by him-or herself, or in a small group.
Guide Learning
For much of the school day, a Montessori teacher quietly moves through the classroom, carefully observing students and stepping in to facilitate learning when needed. Montessori teachers do not force knowledge or ideas upon students, but rather the teachers give students the tools necessary to allow the students to investigate concepts themselves.
Observe Students
One of the most important roles of the Montessori teacher is his or her observations of the students. Montessori teachers closely watch each student for evidence of sensitive periods, which are times during which children are particularly receptive to acquiring academic skills. Careful observations also allow Montessori teachers to identify when children are ready to move on to the next lesson. Their observations are recorded and shared with each family during meetings of the teacher, parents, and child.
Starwood Academy of Frisco was founded with the mission of giving students the tools they need to reach their full potential. At our Montessori school in Frisco, our highly qualified teachers guide students with gentle enthusiasm, always allowing them the freedom of exploration. For more information about Dr. Montessori’s Method or enrollment in our Montessori school, call (972) 885-8585.